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Are you here to match a face with the voice? I appreciate your curiosity, and I promise to deliver. In the future, I will also add video here, but for now, I am focusing all of my resources on providing the best audio recordings that I can. It’s amazing that it’s taken me so long to get a recorded acapella project together. I have been writing and performing original songs since elementary school. I recorded my first studio EP in 1999 and have contributed to many musical collaborations since then. I have also performed live on stage theatrically, in concert, in video, and most recently, in podcasting. Currently, I am re-discovering my interest in recorded music, and as a result, I am offering you this humble collection of original songs, recorded in my home studio. I hope you like my work and will bring deeper life to my voice through your own projects. Best of luck to you!
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My Name
“Alicatt” is a play on my first name, Ali – but it’s also very fitting, because I’m a lot like a housecat. I like naps in the sun, I purr when I’m happy, and I will hide under the bed when the doorbell rings. In many of the photographs you see here, I am wearing items from my Tissavel fur garment collection. I love beautiful things.
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The Future
Inspiration strikes me all the time, and I hope my style will inspire you too! I try to approach my projects with a fresh eye and a creative, comedic flair. There is a long list of potential topics for me to explore, and I am excited to have a place on this website to share it all. Again, thank you for coming along on this journey with me. Please consider signing up for my newsletter, so we can stay in touch!
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I like retro ideas, styles, music, and media. Themes about mid-century living, antique items, and nature are my favorite. I also enjoy old tv shows, movies, and books. I am particularly attracted to the 60’s style of music and entertainment, but also the early electronic and digital age of the 80’s and 90’s. Rock, grunge, and jazz make up the majority of my personal music collection, but I am always discovering value in new artists.
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